Bitter-Suermann, Dr. Björn
Brovender, Dr. Andrea
Dawson, Dr. Kathryn
Froehlich, Dr. Kevin
Galbraith, Dr. Amber
Hamidizadeh, Dr. Rana
Klaibert, Dr. Beau
Lennox, Dr. Pamela
Peng, Dr. Yvonne
Rose, Dr. Peter
Swart, Dr. Pieter
Tang, Dr. Raymond
Vaghadia, Dr. Himat
Wilson, Dr. Jason
Wong, Dr.Alex
Young, Dr. Don
Regional Anesthesia
Vancouver Acute has a very active Ortho Recon Division and patients routinely receive upper or lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks as part of the multimodal pain management protocol. Plastics and Vascular surgical patients also receive regional anesthesia where possible and indicated.
The Regional Division have several fellowship trained consultants and members with vast experience in clinical practice and research. We are also well supported in our tasks by a dedicated team of Anesthesia Assistants. We are in development of new Hip and Rib facture programs that will see expanded roles for our Division peri-operatively.
We do not offer a dedicated Regional Anesthesia Fellowship at present. However, it is possible for fellows to specify interest in Regional Anesthesia and be exposed to all the experiences that the Regional Division has to offer.