Core Academic Sites:

Vancouver General Hospital
With 60 members, the Vancouver Acute (VA) Anesthesia Department is one of the largest departments in Western Canada and provides all anesthesia care at VA’s two acute care hospitals, VGH and UBCH.

St. Paul’s Hospital
Anesthesia, pain management, and perioperative care at Providence Health Care are provided by a team of dedicated professionals working to ensure our patients receive the safest and highest quality anesthetic care possible.

BC Children’s Hospital
The Department of Anesthesia at British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital (BCCH) is one of 11 similar University affiliated pediatric anesthesia specialist groups in Canada.

BC Women’s Hospital
BC Women’s Hospital is the only facility in British Columbia devoted primarily to the health of women, newborns and families, offering a broad range of specialized services that address the health needs of women of all ages and backgrounds.

Royal Columbian Hospital
The Royal Columbian Hospital is the major tertiary referral hospital of the Fraser Health Authority, serving a population of 1.6 million from Burnaby to Hope, as well as some referral patients from outside the region.
Non-Core Academic Sites:
Lower Mainland
Burnaby General Hospital
Lions Gate Hospital
Richmond General Hospital
Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP)
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Southern Medical Program
Kelowna General Hospital
Island Medical Program
Victoria General Hospital
Royal Jubilee Hospital
Affiliated Teaching Sites:
Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP)
Delta Hospital Peace Arch Hospital
Langley Memorial Hospital
Chilliwack General Hospital
Abbotsford Regional Hospital & Cancer Centre (formerly MSA Hospital)
Island Medical Program
Saanich Peninsula Hospital
Cowichan District Hospital
St Joseph General Hospital – Comox
North Island Hospital – Campbell River
Nanaimo General Hospital
Southern Medical Program
Vernon Jubilee Hospital
Penticton Regional Hospital
Royal Inlands Hospital Kamloops
Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital
East Kootenay Regional Hospital
Northern Medical Program
University Hospital of Northern British Columbia (formerly Prince George Regional General Hospital)
Terrace-Mills Memorial Hospital
Whitehorse General Hospital