This is a year-long fellowship during which the fellow delves into Perioperative Medicine and Anesthesia care of all of the major surgical subspecialties provided at our institution which is the largest referral center in Western Canada with a vast array of clinical cases.
Expectations of the Fellow
- To become an expert in perioperative Medicine and anesthesia
- Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management within the various sub specialities.
- To be an independent and excellent clinician.
- To participate in simulation both in creation of scenarios, running the scenarios and debriefing thereafter.
- To undertake at least one research project within a specialty
- To present their work at a national meeting.
- To present at Grand Rounds
- To organise teaching rounds
- To learn the fundamentals of conducting basic clinical research.
- Teaching residents, medical students, Anesthesia Assistants, paramedics and nursing staff.
Clinical and research opportunities are also available in various subspecialties of the perioperative pain service, Internal Medicine (IMPACT) and blood bank medicine.
Clinical Experience
- Develop expertise as a Perioperative Medicine Consultant.
- Achieve proficiency in the recognition and management of commonly encountered patient problems in the preoperative, intraoperative, post-operative and post-discharge phases of the surgical journey of each patient.
- Management of our PACU high acuity unit.
- Develop POCUS expertise with daily practice in the PACU.
- One month elective in CSICU
- Performance of regional anesthetic techniques in our busy Preoperative care as well as postoperative regional techniques to enhance postoperative care pathways.
- Electives with the Perioperative Internal Medicine team.
- Management of our preoperative Blood Utilisation Program and an elective with the Blood Management program
- Expertise in the Preoperative Assessment Clinic in the appropriate patient assessment, triage and optimisation of comorbidities.
- Experience patient assessment in the Anesthesiology-led Allergy Clinic
Management and teaching:
Gain exposure to the administrative aspects of the Management of a Perioperative program.
Develop a practical understanding of how Perioperative Medicine and Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathways can be developed using a multidisciplinary approach.
Learn Risk Management Initiatives
Gain expertise in quality assurance and patient safety in the perioperative phase.
Build, develop, and monitor evidence-based clinical pathways using this ERAS model
Lead the complex case management conferences.
Gain experience with the supervision of nurses and residents in the perioperative environment.
Have the opportunity to develop your own teaching and research skills
Gain experience and knowledge in perioperative management as it relates to operations management, risk management, quality assurance and patient safety.
Leading Simulation scenarios as they pertain to Perioperative care.
The curriculum also provides for attendance at:
- Neuro-anesthesia, Cardiac and Regional Journal Clubs
- Anesthesia grand rounds
- Critical incident/M &M rounds
- Visiting Professor monthly rounds.
The fellows are also encouraged to attend additional anesthesiology-related meetings with available financial support.
Funding will also be available to undertake a course in Perioperative Anesthesia/Medicine
Weekly Schedule
- 3 days in subspecialty Perioperative Medicine and Anesthesia
- 1 day in general clinical anesthesia in independent practice.
- 1 academic day per week in order to prepare lectures or write manuscripts. Their research will be planned and undertaken during this time
This schedule will change when in different rotations.
The fellow will meet with Dr. Lennox and Dr. Dolman every 3-4 months and the subspecialty program director at least once a month to review the progress being made during his or her fellowship.
A written summative evaluation is provided to the fellows and reviewed with the program directors at the end of the fellowship year.