Campus Wide Login (CWL): This is your personal UBC login account. It gives you access to all UBC online services.
Student Service Centre (SSC): The SSC is where you handle your administrative work, including course registration, tuition payment and more. Use your CWL to log in and choose the service you require.
UBC Card: Learn about UBC’s student card, and how to get one.
Student Parking: Please note: There are special access packages available to Graduate Students.
Compass Card: Thanks to a partnership between TransLink, the AMS, and the Ministry of Transportation, students at UBC are eligible for a monthly all-zone transit pass. NEW: The U-pass card has now moved to the Compass Card.
Bicycling: This is VERY big on UBC campus. Find out about bike lock rentals, secure bike parking and more. Cycling maps are also available.
On campus: Locations of food outlets on campus.
University Marketplace: Located off of University Boulevard, and historically known as University Village, this area offers restaurants, shopping and services.
Wesbrook Village: Located off Wesbrook Boulevard and West 16th, this area offers restaurants, shopping, housing, services, and recreational activities.
Join us for one of UBC’s most iconic experiences! Participate as a competitive or just for fun team and complete the course as a relay, or challenge yourself to do the whole course on your own as an Iron Person.