Spring 2014 Newsletter

Hello everyone!
Spring is here, the cherry blos-soms (or ornamental tree of some kind…) have started and there is finally snow on the local mountains!
It has been a busy few months in the academic department, with promotions for both clinical and full-time streams as well as annual reports and annual faculty meetings. We have promotions in the clinical stream to announce (see page 2), others will come later as they work through the university process.

The budget process for the Faculty of Medicine has been ongoing since the fall. Unfortunately there have been no windfalls of cash, and the majority of the departments are challenged with managing all the expenses that are being transferred to the department budgets from UBC Central. However, the Therapeutics Initiative has had funding re-started as of January 2014.

I hope all of you who wanted some time off during Spring Break got it and had fun with the family.

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