Congratulations to Dr. Mark Ansermino and team on renewal of their UBC Research Excellence Cluster

Congratulations to Dr. Mark Ansermino and team on the successful renewal of their University of British Columbia Research Excellence Cluster – Action in Sepsis.  Initially funding in 2020/2021 as a new emerging cluster, this unit has now been renewed for an additional 2 year period as an Established Cluster.  Research Excellence Clusters are interdisciplinary networks of researchers addressing societal and cultural problems, and working together to solve challenges that transcend traditional boundaries associated with departments, institutions, and funding agencies

Action on Sepsis

Sepsis occurs when an infection results in vital organ damage, and can result in death or disability. Sepsis has huge clinical, social, economic, and political impacts. Thus reducing the impact of sepsis cannot be achieved without cross-cutting, interdisciplinary collaborations. Action on Sepsis fosters diverse and inclusive partnerships across biology, medicine, population and public health, and policy to effectively prevent, diagnose, and manage the deadly condition of sepsis. We aim to create innovative, targeted interventions that will minimize death and disability and improve outcomes for people with sepsis in BC and across the globe.

Cluster Lead: Mark Ansermino