Name and Site
Research Themes
Catrina Loucks
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
Assistant Professor
Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute; Member, Academy of Translational MedicineAcute and Chronic Pain Management, Clinical Outcomes and Patient Safety, Equity in Medicine, Evidence-based medicine and knowledge translation, Neurosciences and anesthesiology, Pediatric anesthesiology
BC Patient Safety Chair; Member, Therapeutics InitiativeClinical Outcomes and Patient Safety, Pharmacoepidemiology
Roanne Preston
BC Women’s Hospital
Researcher, BC Women’s HospitalAcute and Chronic Pain Management, Clinical Outcomes and Patient Safety, Obstetric anesthesiology
Amrit Singh
St. Paul’s Hospital
Assistant Professor
Investigator, Centre for Heart and Lung InnovationCardiopulmonary Sciences and anesthesiology
Assistant Professor
Member, Therapeutics InitiativeClinical Outcomes and Patient Safety, Evidence-based medicine and knowledge translation, Pharmacoepidemiology
Matthew Wiens
BC Children’s Hospital
Assistant Professor
Researcher, BC Children’s Hospital Research InstituteClinical Outcomes and Patient Safety, Evidence-based medicine and knowledge translation, Pharmacoepidemiology