Two B.Sc. Pharmacology students have been awarded The Wesbrook Scholarship
The Wesbrook Scholarship, UBC’s most prestigious undergraduate award. Each year, a total of 20 Westbrook scholarships are awarded to senior undergraduate students (from various faculties, e.g., Science, Arts, Medicine, Applied Science, Education and Law) with outstanding academic performance, leadership, and involvement in student and community activities. Pharmacology students who won Wesbrook and Premier Undergraduate Scholarships […]
10th Annual APT Research Day – May 12th, 2016
On behalf of the APT Research Day Organizing Committee, we are pleased to wish everyone a happy new year and announce our Department’s 10th Annual Research Day! As per the previous years, graduate students, residents, post-doctoral & clinical fellow from our Department will have an opportunity to showcase their work as oral presentations or posters […]
New publication in PLOS One – Pediatric Anesthesia
APT – Pediatric Anesthesia has published a new paper in PLOS One: Development and Internal Validation of a Predictive Model Including Pulse Oximetry for Hospitalization of Under-Five Children in Bangladesh Please follow this link to be directed to the article
APT Faculty Development Retreat, Nov. 21, 2015 at the University Golf Club
The latest faculty development retreat was held on November 21st 2015. Please see below for pictures and guest speakers that were in attendance. Guest Speakers: Dr. Rose Hatala Dr. Rose Hatala is a scholar at CHES, a general internist at St. Paul’s Hospital, and an associate professor in the Department of Medicine. She completed her […]
2016 CIHR Project competition
As you are all aware, the CIHR Open Operating Grant Competition no longer exists, however, there will be a 2016 CIHR Project competition. Information has been posted on their website: Since there is no limit to the number of CIHR Project Grants that may be submitted by an individual PI, we anticipate that there […]
Refresher Course for General Practitioner Anesthetists
Course Description This course is specifically designed as a refresher course for General Practitioner Anesthetists. The didactic lectures will cover a wide range of topics including the ultrasound workshop, which were chosen to respond to the needs of family physicians practicing anesthesia in smaller communities. Objectives – Pre Conference Workshop Identify the challenges in FPA […]
UBC Pain Medicine Residency Program is now accepting applications
We are excited to announce that the UBC Pain Medicine Residency program is now accepting applications for one resident to start the two year program in July 2016. Our application criteria, process, and timelines are provided below. For your reference, please see links on the left for the sample rotation schedule for the 2 year […]
VC Rooms for Transition Tuesdays Seminar Series
TRANSITION TUESDAYS SEMINAR SERIES The following VC rooms are available for residents at the distributed sites: Fort St. John – FSJH 0715 Nanaimo – NRGH 2060 Chilliwack – Royal Inland – RIH 104 BC Childrens – CWH SHY F414 UNBC -UHNBC 5017 Courtney, Comox & Campbell – SJGH 0100, CRH IMP Surrey South […]
Simulation Learning Strategies – Facilitator Development Course
September 19th and 20th, 2015 at BC Children’s Hospital Simulation Centre Are you a healthcare professional engaged in clinical teaching? Are you an educator? Do you want to learn how to use simulation as an effective learning tool? This 2 day course may be for you! Course Learning Objectives: During the course participants interact in […]
Call for Nominations – UBC Faculty Research Awards
Please find the following note from John Hepburn, VP Research & International. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – UBC FACULTY RESEARCH AWARDS Dear colleagues, On behalf of the Faculty Research Awards Committee, I invite your nominations for the following UBC Faculty Research Awards and Prizes. The following awards and prizes are available: Competitions with a Deadline of […]