Lynn Rudner Correll
Clinical Associate Professor
BC Children’s Hospital
Faculty Bio
I am a pediatric anesthesiologist who develops and researches ways for patients and families to have better experiences when they come forprocedures. To do this, I create, operationalize, and then analyze the efficacy of peri-operative wellness programs that help kids and their caregivers takecontrol of the way they feel when they are in the hospital. I do this by teaching them mind-body techniques that help ease anxiety, promote relaxation,and help control stress. My research centers on the feasibility of such programs, and determining how effective they are at their goals.
Social Media / Lab or Research Website
Research Interests
Integrative Medicine Digital Health Multicenter Registries
Research Theme(s)
Publication Link(s)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8128-0152
Clinical Interests
Pediatric Anesthesiology and Integrative Medicine in the Perioperative Space
Co-Director, Pediatric Anesthesia Research Team; Residency Site Coordinator; BCCH Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Board Member; SPA/SPPM Integrative Medicine Special Interest Group Chairperson
Pediatric Anesthesia Rotation Director and Residency Site Coordinator, BCCH