Clinton Wong

Clinton Wong

Clinical Professor
St. Paul’s Hospital

Faculty Bio

Clinton Wong MD FRCPC (Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine), MCFP (Hon.) Consultant Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Physician, Division of Acute and Interventional Pain Management Department of Anesthesiology St. Paul’s Hospital (Providence Healthcare) Clinical Professor Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics UBC Faculty of Medicine Vancouver, BC After obtaining an MD from UBC in 1983, and completing a rotating internship at North York General Hospital, plus one year of anesthesia residency at UBC, Clinton Wong worked as a GP/GP Anesthetist in Fort Nelson, BC. He returned to complete the UBC Anesthesiology residency in 1991. Formerly a consultant anesthesiologist at Shaughnessy Hospital and Riverview Hospital, he is currently at St. Paul’s Hospital where he is a member of the Division of Acute and Interventional Pain Management, including past physician lead, Acute Pain Service. He obtained certification by the RCPSC in the Pain Medicine subspecialty in 2016. His current clinical areas of interest are perioperative anesthesiology and chronic pain. He has an interest in postgraduate medical education, with previous roles as SPH site coordinator for anesthesia residents, UBC Anesthesiology Residency program director, and member of RCPSC Specialty Committee in Anesthesiology, including vice-chair. He was a contributor to the RCPSC Anesthesiology National Curriculum, used to guide residency programs in developing training programs, and by RCPSC Examination Board for national exam criteria. He has contributed to the development of Entrustable Professional Activities(EPA’s) for RCPSC Anesthesiology’s version of Competence Based Medical Education, and a similar process for the CFPC’s Family Practice Anesthesia Certificate of Added Competence (“Priority Topics” and “Key Features”). He was a surveyor for RCPSC Accreditation reviews of Canadian PGME residency programs. He was a founding member of the UBC Pain Medicine Residency, and is currently a member of the UBC Anesthesiology Residency Program’s Competence Committee, and the UBC Postgraduate Medical Education’s Oversight Committee for residents in difficulty.

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ORCID: 0000-0003-3512-2967

Clinical Interests

Current clinical areas of interest: perioperative anesthesiology and chronic pain. Postgraduate medical education.


Past SPH site coordinator for UBC Anesthesia residents past UBC Anesthesiology Residency Program Director past member of RCPSC Specialty Committee in Anesthesiology including vice chair, during which time this committee developed the framework for CBME/CBD with Entrustable Professional Activities past RCPSC Accreditation surveyor past member of the CFPC’s ad hoc committee to develop Family Practice Anesthesia Certificate of Added Competence (“Priority Topics” and “Key Features”) founding member of the UBC Pain Medicine Residency residency training program committee current member UBC Anesthesiology Residency Program’s Competence Committee current member UBC Postgraduate Medical Education’s Oversight Committee for residents in difficulty.


Coordinated and/or gave many lectures for the UBC Anesthesiology Residency Program as SPH site coordinator (9+ years), and UBC Anesthesiology Residency Program Director (8.5 years). Still give annual lectures to final year UBC Anesthesiology residents in the form of R5 Seminar series on the topic of chronic pain.