Alan Tung

Alan Tung

Clinical Instructor
Royal Columbian Hospital

Faculty Bio

UBC Medical School – Graduated 2015 UBC Anesthesiology Residency – Finished 2020 University of Michigan Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship (ICPNT Accredited) – Finished 2021 BC Anesthesiologist’ Society Education Chair – 2023-2024

Social Media / Lab or Research Website

Website (or Lab):

Research Interests

Interest in the impact of EEG on anesthetic practices. Developing open source technologies to support the use of EEG in anesthesia

Research Theme(s)

Publication Link(s)

ORCID: 0000-0002-4907-1278

Clinical Interests

Use of EEG in anesthesia, TIVA/TCI, and low-cost open-source syringe pump


Peer Reviewer for British Journal of Anesthesia, BMJ Open, BMC Anesthesia, Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesia, Can J Anesthesiology; BC Anesthesiologists’ Society Board Member; BC Anesthesiologists’ Society Education Chair -UBC Medical School Group Mentor
