Richard Francis Alexander

Faculty Bio
Dr. Richard F. Alexander is a dedicated Consultant Anesthesiologist at the Royal Jubilee Hospital and Victoria General Hospital, with a robustcommitment to medical education and clinical excellence. He completed his Anesthesiology Residency at the University of British Columbia (UBC),graduating in 2019, and has since held several pivotal roles within the UBC Faculty of Medicine, including Discipline Specific Site Lead forAnesthesiology and Assistant Clinical Instructor. Dr. Alexander’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Sciences with Honors in Biology from BrownUniversity, where he demonstrated outstanding leadership as a team captain of the NCAA swimming team and contributed to various communityinitiatives. He has continued to excel in his medical career, evidenced by numerous awards, including the Dr. Derek Daniel Wolney Prize for ClinicalProficiency and the Dr. Paul Kliffer Golden Epidural for excellence in obstetric anesthesia. In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Dr. Alexander isactively involved in leadership and committee roles within the South Island Department of Anesthesiology and the UBC Department of Anesthesiology,focusing on competency development and curriculum design. His research interests include the environmental impact of anesthetic choices, which hehas addressed in various publications, contributing valuable insights to the field. Dr. Alexander is also committed to fostering the next generation ofmedical professionals, serving as a physician clinical examiner for multiple national and provincial examinations and mentoring medical students andresidents alike. His extensive involvement in professional organizations and committees reflects his dedication to advancing medical education andpractice standards in anesthesiology. Outside of his professional endeavors, Dr. Alexander is a proud father of two young amitious girls. He is also asupportive husband who is also part of the faculty of medicine at UBC. Dr. Alexander remains passionate about swimming, cycling, skiing. He is also astrong advocate for amateur sport in BC.
Social Media / Lab or Research Website
Website (or Lab):
Research Interests
Anesthesia and the environment. Medical education.
Research Theme(s)
Publication Link(s)
Greenhouse gases: the choice of volatile anesthetic does matter
Clinical Interests
DSSL – South Island 2019-2024; CARMS selection committee 2014-present; UBC Competency Committee Association of Victoria Anaesthesiologists – Executive Member; South Island Department of Anesthesiology- Executive Member.